Why subscribe?

I help make Bend local politics more accessible and approachable by watching City Council Meetings and writing down what happens and what I think about it. Sometimes I’m funny. I post these notes for free here on Substack. My goal is to inform, entertain, and engage, and to trick Bend residents into participating in and caring about local politics. These posts are a lot of work. Help me pay my tuition, and incentivize me to keep making them by becoming a paid subscriber.

How is this going to work?

The Bend City Council Meeting happens twice a month. You can expect notes of variable quality for these meetings to be posted here. Community features will be disabled for this newsletter. I'm not interested in running my own personal KTVZ comment section. I also publish content related to Bend local politics through this platform like voter guides.

Subscribe to Bend City Council Meeting Notes

Posts about Local Politics in the City of Bend


I'm a pseudonym that posts summaries of Bend City Council Meetings.